Use "externality|externalities" in a sentence

1. Compared with market externality, regulation externality may affect allocation, stabilization, distribution and growth efficiency o.

2. The consumption externality leads to market failure.

3. One possible cause of market failure an externality.

4. Externality Analysis of Higher Education Enrollment Expansion Policy.

5. One possible cause of market failure is an externality.

6. Pollution is considered as a form of negative externality in economic growth.

7. These are externalities, imperfect competition and inadequate information.

8. Keywords: ahazard potency of debris flow, externality, cost - benefit analysis.

9. Please explain the definition of network externality and its classification.

10. In this sense, non-performing asset features enormous adverse financial externality.

11. to take action to compensate for the limits of externalities;

12. He accepts the need for government intervention to deal with externality.

13. to take action to compensate for the limits of externalities

14. It's bringing those externalities back into the price of the commodity.

15. The efficient solution is rarely to have a zero quantity of the externality.

16. Tourism externality would lead to the low efficient collocation of social resources.

17. Social cost is also considered to be the private cost plus externalities.

18. With no production externality, marginal private cost and marginal social cost coincide.

19. 2 . It is impossible to factor in unique or unexpected events , or externalities .

20. And they calculated for the top 3, 000 corporations, what are the externalities?

21. 6 FF: I wouldn't counterpose externality and internality in such a sharp way.

22. Reverse logistics has positive externality on account of its feature of quasi - public goods.

23. To understand the Coase theorem, we first need to introduce another idea, the externality.

24. Ultimately, because non-pecuniary externalities overestimate the social value, they are over-produced.

25. Chapter two, first makes a introduction of the network externality, and analyze it's character.

26. Externality the impact of one person's actions on the well - being of a bystander.

27. For example, externalities of economic activity are non-monetary spillover effects upon non-participants.

28. 10 One basic function of systems is to internalize the externalities and dispose social conflicts.

29. Neither does it reflect the value of the positive externalities that agricultural activities generate.

30. A tax shifts the marginal private cost curve up by the amount of the externality.

31. How convincing is the goods-specific externality argument as a rationale for government redistributive policy?

32. 11 Compensation is the key point to internalize the externalities of the non - industrial ecological forest.

33. It is therefore important to also take into account so-called co-benefits (positive externalities).

34. In more specific terms, the producer would have to pay for the non-pecuniary externality that it created.

35. In these cases, provision of public services in one area confers a beneficial externality on neighbouring areas.

36. 4 In welfare economics we are taught that to internalize externalities by appropriate contracts is socially desirable.

37. Externalities bring trouble because people and companies do not, generally, pay for the costs they inadvertently impose on others.

38. the reduction of negative externalities linked to railway transport, in particular noise, vibrations, emissions and other environmental impacts.

39. Respect for the PPP ensures, in theory, that the market failure linked to negative externalities will be rectified

40. a reduction in negative externalities linked to railway transport, in particular noise, vibrations, emissions and other environmental effects.

41. 18 First, we should distinguish general externalities from things that directly affect market structure and the degree of competition.

42. Let us consider two examples, both of which would be difficult to subsume under the gentle rubric of "externalities."

43. Urban water-supplying is a typical quasi-public goods because of having incomplete non-rivalness and excludability and immense positive externality.

44. But John Maynard Keynes pointed out that surpluses lead to weak global aggregate demand – countries running surpluses exert a “negative externality” on their trading partners.

45. A Pigovian tax (also spelled Pigouvian tax) is a tax on any market activity that generates negative externalities (costs not included in the market price).

46. 16 The existence of technological spillovers and positive pecuniary externalities create incentives to make such ventures as inclusive as possible.

47. Methods 3 cases of acardia were observed with analyses of clinical features, their externalities and the structures of viscera and placentas.

48. Because preventive services are quasi-public goods or of positive externality, the government should provide these services through subsidy or directly public supply.

49. Additionally, accounting for human capital externalities based on independent empirical evidence, turns around the predicted rate of return differentials in favor of rich countries.

50. Here the focus should be on reducing the negative externalities of agglomeration and ensure that all groups can benefit from highly specialised and productive economies.

51. PUMA has 2.7 billion dollars of turnover, 300 million dollars of profits, 200 million dollars after tax, 94 million dollars of externalities, cost to business.

52. Regions which are the site for co-location centres will have opportunities to gain positive benefits through economies of agglomeration and the reaping of positive externalities.

53. As the "dealing right" imposes a new externality to normal dealings on the market, it is uncertain whether Coasian transaction is capable of ensuring the social efficiency.

54. Because of those features above, we have concluded that government regulates civil aviation industry in order to reduce monopoly, avoid destructive competition and make use of positive externality.

55. Within Pigou's framework, the changes involved are marginal, and the size of the externality is assumed to be small enough not to distort the rest of the economy.

56. Australians may come across to the world as fun loving people who like to lounge on the sunny beaches all day long, but don’t be misled by the externalities

57. Asymptoting cross-side network externalities - after a certain point, more users on the supply side does not increase value for the supply side anymore - this is a capacity issue

58. Concessional finance can be justified if it addresses externalities, information asymmetries and/or other institutional and market failures, or affordability constraints that are hindering positive market dynamics, and there is an expectation to arrive at commercial solutions over the

59. Backcasting can therefore make for a valuable tool when: Addressing complex problems, affecting many sectors and levels of society; Incremental change is not sufficient; Externalities play a key role and are not satisfactorily addressed by the market; and

60. "Trade restrictiveness indices in the presence of externalities: An application to non-tariff measures," World Scientific Book Chapters, in: John Christopher Beghin (ed.), Nontariff Measures and International Trade, chapter 5, pages 81-104, World Scientific Publishing Co

61. "Thus, if discrimination were to 'Balkanize' the Internet and reduce the size of many network communities using various applications by similar amounts, the costs in terms of lost surplus from network externalities could be very large." Ars Technica "Thus, if discrimination were to 'Balkanize' the Internet and reduce the size of many

62. The selection will, to a considerable extent, be a matter of historical accident.(53) However, the strength of network externalities and the advantages that derive from the public good character of a shared medium of communication will guarantee that the economic yield that accrues to the "accidentally" selected common language will be such that individuals who are working, investing, trading, and making collective decisions will invest in the lingua franca.(54) A self-reinforcing mechanism will have been created.